Cover of vinyl record DE NOR 2024 by artist VARIOUS ARTISTS


DE NOR 2024

€ 22,95


De Nor is a social sculp­ture made by Dennis Tyfus and FVWW Architects housed at Middelheim Museum / open air sculp­ture park. When acti­vat­ed it hous­es con­certs per­for­mances lec­tures book- and record pre­sen­ta­tions and par­ties, when not acti­vat­ed it remains part of the muse­um’s collection.
For 'De Nor 2024’ compilation LP / DL everyone that is playing at De Nor in the summer of 2024 was asked to submid a recording of maximum 2 minutes in length.
Some took the liberty to mess with that restriction, which leaves us in a No Choice situation.
This compilation is a jam packed, hyper tense walk in the park for folks with eager ears and beaming eyes, filled to the brim with previously unreleased tracks by Lugubrum, Escape-Ism, Valentina Magaletti, La Nuée, Markus Oehlen, Monopoly Child Star Searchers, Jeugdbrand, Wolf Eyes, Milan W., Sheldon Siegel, Piss Rules, Evicshen, Nils Vermeulen & Elisabeth Klinck, cUNST, Liegenaar, DJ Grazzhoppa, Jac Berrocal - Vincent Epplay - Timo Van Luijk, Adia Vanheerentals, Vuylschuyf, Mette Rasmussen and a whole lot of Stina Fors!

This compilation LP / DL is “limited” to 800 copies, though almost all copies go to the artists, Ultra Eczema will only sell a limited amount online and at the gigs at De Nor. It comes with a download code, and in a triple fold open sleeve full of jailbirds that managed to escape.

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