Cover of vinyl record MILLIONS OF US by artist BCUC



LP - ON THE CORNER - - WORLD - In stock
€ 28,95

Music for the people by the people with the people is one of BCUCs abundant mantras. The bands command of festival stages is renown, after all they're THE Greatest Live Band On This Planet.
Teaming up with OntheCorner and returning to their Soweto home to record has made this their first homecoming studio album. Produced with award winning Sam Jones at the control the bands fire has been honed for the most intimate of audiences worldwide.

Artist Alexis Tsegba has taken theses messengers that walk amongst us and created a sleeve that represents the bands archytype, the icons that lead from within, that are guided by the ancestors, with a purpose for the Millions of Us. Music for the people by the people with the people.

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