Cover of vinyl record MODEST LIFE ADVICE by artist BONZO



LP - UHM YEAH SURE - - INDIE - In stock
€ 20,00

We’re very excited to announce that Bonzo’s second album Modest Life Advice is out now. The record is a humble handbook for life in your twenties, written by the Bonzo navigators in their early 30’s. The band dug through more than 250 (!) demos for their new record, written by the prolific singer-songwriter Thijs Boyen. 

Bonzo is known for their light-hearted guitar riddles but on Modest Life Advice they're digging a lot deeper, into the doubts of adult life. Beneath light-hearted guitar parts lie more serious themes such as alienation, trust and the feeling of being stuck. If the foursome still had one leg in adolescence on their debut album Always Holidays (2019), Modest Life Advice is the band's coming of age.

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